All posts tagged Russ dizdar

The Constant Harassment Continues

A “Conversation” with Andy Villa aka Lucien Greaves, Founder of the Satanic Temple

The Child Traffickers Are Obviously Planning SOMETHING   And it’s THIS type of person Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross serves and protects.   And at the same time Tere Joyce posts Daniel Doud’s post (Doud aka Pootie Twang -the dude sending me Live YouTube videos of my town when Owen ended up dead)… Which […]

Have NO Doubt- All This is Happening Because They’re Trying to Protect Their Child Trafficking BS


So Now I Guess I’m Going to Be “Issac Kappied”


David Shurter LIVE!Finding Myself at the FBI in Omaha Yesterday I NowKnow Why I was Told to Call 911

The Threats Have Gotten MORE Personal Now

This Video is For YouTube-

More BS from Tommy the Slime King

David Shurter LIVE!If They Make Good on Their Threat of Me Disappearing-There’s A Few Things to Say

So If They’re Gonna Make Me Disappear – the Least I Can Do Is Bring an Audience to Witness

i thought I was through with signs in my front yard- but apparently not. But that is because of this: It was because of the video I did this morning… See previous entry. I’m just not going to make it easy on them- and maybe they’re right and no one will care, but something tells […]

These Were The Games and Attacks From The Child Traffickers JUST YESTERDAY

So let me start with what I sent law enforcement: Then here is Thomas Schenburger’s email to me: I blocked out Tere Joyce’s info because she and Thomas- in my opinion -are working in conjunction with each other to try and get my all my social media taken down. And trust me- she would complain. […]

Recent YouTube Videos Concerning Michael Aquino, Child Trafficking, Lucien Greaves, and the Dead Issac Kappy Club

Crimes Against Children Don’t Matter As Much as Your Want and Contentment so STAY STRONG IgnorantOne David Shurter is live!Lucien Greaves,the Satanic Temple,the Dead Issac Kappy Club-It All Makes Sense And this is the Iranian dude who’s name I couldn’t remember