People are probably wondering who I really am- considering all the tripe that is out there about me. The articles, the video’s, and the army of trolls- all of them anonymous – who claim to know everything about me who are over eager to tell everyone what they think of me.
The question I have is how many other non famous people do you know who have the same attention on them as I do.
Entire YouTube channels have been designed about me- most notably that by John Kilrush aka Doug Mesner aka Doug Misicko aka Satanic Temple’s Lucien Greaves aka all the OTHER names this idiot claims. The dude believes he is the Legion of the internet. But with all the crap in his life- it seems his sole focus is on me.
If this dude and his Satanic Temple followers aren’t threatened by me- what other reason would they spend so much time focused on discrediting and attacking me? And attacking my supporters? And anyone who would listen to me?
They will claim I am crazy- but in two months time- I put my house up for sale and sold it- bought another- packed up everything I owned and moved 1/2 way across the country. And I did this alone- all by my lonesome. Does this fit the image of a disorganized crazy person? And since none of these anonymous trolls are actually in my life- except for trying to constantly intrude on it- how would they really know?
Esp considering I do my best to avoid them like the plague. The answer is they don’t obviously. But they sure do share their opinions like they do.
Which again begs the point as to why? What other non famous nobody garners the attention that I do? And I am their ONLY focus. They are solely and ONLY focused on me.
Again it begs the question as to why? Why do they feel I am so special? What makes me warrent so much of their attention and focus?
If I do a video- within minutes they are commenting on it- generally before I can even finish. Every time. What makes me so special that they lie in wait for me? And how do they find the time to do so every time?
Obviously there is more to them than meets the eye- esp considering all of them are ALWAYS anonymous. Doug Mesner- who is actually Doug Misicko- has a myriad of aliases- which also begs the question why- not to mention how can you trust someone who constantly lies about his own name.
I am a nobody. Ask 100 people out on the street who I am and not one of them will know. So again you need to ask yourself why is all of this obsession being placed on me?
The answer is simple. It is because I am telling truth that they are desperate for others not to know. There IS no other reason.
So one last time I will beg the question as to why?