I received this email this morning- suggesting this idiot is in Omaha now I guess. One has to ask what the point is. If I am not a threat- why can’t this group just leave me alone?
But on a better note- a prayer was answered as my friend in Seattle woke yesterday with no brain damage. That was a huge gift.
Prayer works- generally not in the time frame we would like and sometimes not in the ways we expect- but it DOES work.
Omaha is once again talking about what happened in the 80s and people are nowhere as naive as they were back then. THAT is why I am such a threat to these people- as some incredibly powerful people were involved in some amazingly bad things- and I am BY FAR not the only person who knew about it and was aware.
What separates me is that I am the first to overcome my fear and start speaking HONESTLY about what really happened. That is why they are obsessively after me wanting to shut me up.
And that may or may not happen but regardless- it won’t change the truth. Nor will it change the fact that more than just me know about what occurred. And as much as they would like to think so- they can’t kill everyone in Omaha who has info about what really happened…