Pray that love finds it’s way into their hearts.
Prayer has power- and it works. And these people are motivated by the lack of love they feel for others- let alone for themselves.
No one who has love in their hearts act the way they do and say what they say. It doesn’t work that way. And it is impossible to combat anger, strife, and hatred effectively with more anger, strife, and hate.
Those who hurt children- or anyone for that matter- do so because of a lack of power within themselves. Sex abuse is not about sex but power- they are seeking power outside themselves by trying to take it from others.
The Word requires us to love- despite everything. That esp. Includes those who would work at nothing but our destruction. What they are doing never works- which is why they go from one person to the next- because their sense of power is never fullfilled.
They are not to be hated but rather we should feel pity for them- as they will never reach a point of fulfillment. They need love most of all.
So when wondering what to do- pray that love finds their hearts and minds that opens their eyes. We are commanded to follow the Word- and that Word is love- and it was commanded without any exceptions- so pray for those who hate, as it is the best gift you can give to God- to them- and most importantly- yourself.