Mesner uses the name Kilrush- as he gets a rush from killing. But all he is is Aquino’s buttboy.
But it is nice he admits to fucking with me. And since it hasn’t stopped- obviously he isn’t bored with me.
EMF stands for electro magnetic frequency- the result of their DEW weapons- (directed energy weapons), the ones the air Force told Congress about in 2006 and said they were going to use on American citizens to show the rest of the world they were safe. Considering it is 2018 and they are still secret- obviously they aren’t safe.
But it isn’t about how we die- it is about how we lived. And considering Mesner reportedly has AIDS- his time is no longer than mine. We just aren’t going to end up in the same place.
But this will be over soon- and those who just stood by and watched will be held accountable just as those who made this happen will- thus this whole “there will be a great gnashing of teeth”.
We are in a period of judgment and we can only be held accountable for that which we do. Whether we are honest about it or not.