I was on a panel with Joe Monoco, where we speak about pizzagate, child trafficking, Luciferianism vs. satanism, and we even talk about demons.
Listening to Joe’s credentials before mine was a tad bit humbling as he had a prestigous and brilliant career and his knowledge on the subjects discussed showed me he DEFINITELY knows his shit!
Monique was a wonderful interviewer, as she kept the conversation poignant and on track with valid questions posed with an open mind. And with her background and experience- it was just an amazing personal experience for me.
Brett Lueder was Monique’s co-host and also contributed, and brilliantly I might add. He is ALSO an accomplished author and checking out his first book after what he said is TOP of my list on things to do for the new year.
It is a two hour show and can be downloaded and listened to at your leisure.
Happy New Year.
Freedomslips.com on Revolution Radio