David Shurter Stalked By Amazon Trolls- Life And Times of David Shurter


1. David Shurter wrote the book “Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story” which details the events surrounding a failed savings and loan named Franklin Credit Union.

2. David Shurter is a member in good standing at Ivory Garden and has been helping with the yearly conferences on Trauma and Dissociation. IGDID.org

3. David Shurter is a ward missionary for his church- working with the community.

4. David Shurter was his mother’s caretaker until she died- and now morns her loss.

5. David Shurter has been actively supporting survivors of ritual abuse and satanic ritual abuse for 20 years now.

6. David Shurter’s book and testimony was validated by the Nebraska State Patrol.

7. David Shurter worked with the Michigan State Patrol in conjunction with cold case child murders.

8. David Shurter is a renowned speaker and public figure as seen by his numerous radio interviews and speaking engagements.

9. David Shurter is a talented artist, spending time quilting for charities.

10. David Shurter has written and published several articles, a book, and writes poetry and short stories.

11. David Shurter is an honest and upstanding member of his community.

12. David Shurter has been continuously stalked by a small group of trolls for 3 years now, where his book “Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story” is being promoted on Amazon.

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