May 28 2013
Ritual Abuse Survivors Form Coalition
with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kevin Annett
to Fight Child Trafficking Rings
CEOs of four ritual abuse survivor organizations have joined forces with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kevin Annett to expose international child trafficking rings.
Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. of Child Abuse Recovery (CAR) and author of “Twenty-Two Faces” the biography of human sacrifice survivor Jenny Hill; David Shurter, author of “Rabbit Hole: a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story”; Felicity Lee of Ivory Garden: a survivor support group with membership of over 1,700 and Neil Brick, founder of Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (SMART), along with Reverand Annett’s International Tribunal, are compiling evidence of crimes from thousands of survivors across the globe in efforts to bring to trial human trafficking networks and their practices of child exploitation, torture and murder.
The CEOs represent over 3,000 ritual abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and government Mind-control survivors and therapists, while as secretary for the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), Annett has organized over fifty Catholic Church Child Torture survivor groups from the US, Canada, England, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, France, Spain and Holland.
“Child Abuse Survivors can be threatened with death, or that of their loved ones, if they reveal their experiences and it is not unusual for children to repress traumatic memories only to recall them 20-30 years after the event,” says Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, a retired therapist who runs CAR. “This makes prosecution of perpetrators difficult so we created a safe haven where survivors and therapists can report crimes, plus identify children who may be undergoing ritualized abuse right now.”
The process has both it’s challenges and rewards. It took 20 years for Annett to present evidence to a Brussels Common Law Court on 50,000 missing children from Canadian Catholic, United Church of Canada and Anglican Church-owned residential schools. The trial ended on January 30 2013 and appeared to be instrumental in Catholic Pope Benedict Ratziner’s February 11 2013 resignation. Annett stated, ” Pope Ratzinger helped traffic children to priestly rapists.”
The six international judges also found thirty government and church officials including Queen Elizabeth, guilty of genocide and criminal conspiracy. Not long after issuing a March 6 2013 arrest warrant and siezing the Queen’s properties for her role in the October 1964 disappearance of seven boys and three girls from a Catholic residential school in Kamloops, B.C, a rumor began circulating that she was stepping down from the throne.
In 2007 this global problem of child rape, torture, murder and trafficking was verified by over 2,000 ritual abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse and government Mind-control survivors who responded to the Extreme Abuse Surveys:
Just one of these unsolved crimes was portrayed in Byington’s “Twenty-Two Faces,”  the biography of Jenny Hill. On June 21 1965 and as a six year-old, Hill survived a human sacrifice rite in Garden Grove, California. Her perpetrators are not yet charged even though she identified those who tortured her for three months prior to the murder ceremony, police investigations were opened on them, plus she named the child killed as Kathleen Shea. Shea went missing while walking to kindergarten in Tyrone, Pennsylvania three months prior to Hill’s Summer Solstice Satanic rite, appearing to be kidnapped by a child trafficking network:`?v=F626Lsrdwg4
Byington says, “Since all moral people bear an obligation to protect children, we try to work with legal entities and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to place these matters before the court, but that isn’t always possible. If the regular system doesn’t work, Mr. Annett and ITCCS have volunteered their expertise to help survivors present their cases in Common Law Courts.”
SRA survivors claim child sacrifice is regularly practiced by satanic groups who use trafficking rings to secure their prey. On May 8 2013 in Holland, Annett interviewed Toos Nijenhuis, a psychotherapist who was the victim of  ritualized abuse such as Hill explained in “Twenty-Two Faces.” Ms. Nijenhuis discussed her victimization in international trafficking, tie-ins to church and government child exploitation and a human sacrificial ceremony that took place in 2010:
Byington stated, “Those of us who know severe abuse survivors such as Ms. Nijenhuis, Jenny Hill of Twenty-Two Faces, David Shurter, Felicity Lee and Neil Brick are acutely aware that there are thousands of children who like them, undergo throughout childhood, ritualized abuse by their close relatives. It is not only our right, but our obligation to intervene.”
Kevin Annett
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret; CEO,Trauma Research Center Child Abuse Recovery Speakers Bureau; Author, “Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”;
Neil Brick, founder of Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (SMART), [email protected]
Felicity Lee, MA; CEO, Ivory Garden: a Dissociate Identity Disorder Support Group;
David Shurter, Author, “Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story”;
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