It has occurred to me that the cabin that much of the abuse occurred
in at Silver Lake was owned by Mick and Lois- relatives of yours.
Joanne wasn’t inducted into the cult- she met my father in it. How
else can so many of your family members be involved?
Denny and Loraine were Stephen’s good friends- and he lived with them
for awhile. I have a sneaky suspicion that Stephen is being seriously
looked at.
Someone had to help them hide the money- and since you signed off on
the bogus will that we received at Bob Freeman’s office that has Joanne’s
signature at the bottom, which can easily be compared to the
Protection Order that she took out against me, there is no way you couldn’t know. Since you are not only
her cousin, but also her lawyer- if I were going to start following
the money- I would probably start with you.
That is why you are fighting so hard. Because there are key members
of your family involved with this.