All posts tagged elite pedophile ring

The Truth About Scalia’s Murder- and Yes- He Was Murdered

As everyone knows, there are many questions surrounding Scalia’s death, but none of them- in my opinion- are the right ones. I DO believe that Scalia was murdered, but it wasn’t an assassination like many people are assuming. Scalia was brought down by his own behavior- and he is definitely not going to be the […]

The Games Being Played Concerning the Hampstead Case- A Detailed Explanation

Look, this whole dog and pony show that is going on concerning the Hampstead case in the UK isn’t really all that hard to understand- and when you look at the history of all of this- you will begin to understand this is how the game has ALWAYS been played. Right now, the royal family […]

Moving Away from “False Memories” and Beginning to Realize the Vastness of Child Sex Predators

Guilty after six-year trial, Portugal’s high-society paedophile ring Australia’s 60 Minutes: ‘Satan’s Children;’ 15 Year Old Survivor of Satanic AbuseSatanic Abuse of Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape “After Donald Rumsfeld testified on the Hill about Abu Ghraib in May, there was talk of more photos and video in the Pentagon’s […]