<span;>Which of course is what the CIA is KNOWN for.
<span;>But don’t believe what you see and hear- just believe what you are told. Ignorance is bliss as the say I suppose, although that has NEVER been my experience.
<LIt is a doubleganger. Remarkable coincidences- but not the same person.
I have GREAT friends- who tell me when I am wrong.
And for the record- I DO NOT think that Shelby County Sherriff Neil Gross is a bad guy. He is just young- with a family- and he is over his head when it comes to the group that is after me.
Jeffery Epstein didn’t work alone. And it was his coconspirators that took him out. His operation was just another version of the Franklin Credit Scandal.
But Michael Aquino’s training and “gifts” have proved INVALUABLE- and THAT is why I haven’t yet ended up like Max Speirs, Issac Kappy, Lori King and her husband, etc. etc. etc.
I’ve had to install cameras all around my property- because of the constant harassment. Now it seems the SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT seems to want to follow me around and try to intimidate me.
I’m not going to shut up about that gas station explosion…
And I have been nothing but UPFRONT with my local law officials- Sherriff Neil Gross and Harlan Chief of Police Dereck Yamada everything that is going on around me- but from what I can see- they are PART OF THE PROBLEM. They are HELPING in trying to shut me up.
What do you do when your local police are WORKING with the bad guys? And there is A LOT OF MONEY behind the group that my family was involved with trafficking children.
OF COURSE I believe in God. It is the only aspect of all of this that gives even a modicum of hope in all this. Who can stand against the Beast? Me. But ONLY with the help of God.
Which is probably why- in the group of us that tried to expose this- I am the ONLY ONE left alive. For how long- is up to God however…
The same person living right by me is ALSO SIMULTANEOULY living RIGHT BY my sister. At the same time.
And their Facebook page is FAKE. Some truth- enough for us to know that it was them- but it is fake. This person has SEVERAL names, (like Doug Mesner aka Doug Misicko aka Lucien Greaves). NO friends on Facebook. And FULL of bullshit considering what both my sister and I know. And this person seems to be married to two people AT THE SAME TIME.
The harassment IS going to come out. And meth heads just aren’t all that bright.