All posts for the month December, 2013

The Upcoming New Year: New Possibilities and a Looking Back on the Past Year

Every year about this time I try to look back and try to see the accomplishments of the year before and try to project what the next year will be like. This year has been much rougher than previous ones, and I have been brought to my knees more than once- but I can’t escape […]

Child Trafficking and Governmental Mind Control in the Heartland: The Cost of Child Advocacy

This is the title of the article I wrote for Paranoia Magazine. It will be published in three weeks- at which time I will also publish it to my blog. Please plan on reading this article- although long- as it details what I have gone through in the 8 years of my advocacy work and […]

Look for My New Article Coming in the Winter Edition of Paranoia Magazine

This past Christmas was incredibly difficult- but I did get an article done detailing the whole investigation that I have been a part of for years. Talking about the targeting that I have endured as a result- I list the events that have helped shape my life as it is today. Check out for […]

Why Bad Things Happen- Refocusing Direction With a Thank-You

There is nothing like grief and despair to rip the veils from our faces in order that we see ourselves as we are burned in the flames of the experience of loss. I have had to take a good hard look at myself in the past month- and have come to certain conclusions that have […]

A Break from the Advocacy

Divorce is hard, esp. when one doesn’t want it and the other does. Hitting right at the holidays- it has made it even harder, knowing that the one I love has nothing but contempt for me. My heart is broken- and in many ways I am lost in the “what if’s” and “what could have […]

An Admission of Making So Many Mistakes that It Makes My Heart Heavy

After reading the full correspondence between my ex and my sister on Facebook- I realize that he did not realize what was going on and was lead to believe I was actually drunk. He DID NOT help to push me over the edge like I have suggested- and now that I am coming back into […]

A Real Life Look at the Testemant of My Life

I have been told that I shouldn’t talk about anything personal here on my blog- that I should leave it all about my book and investigation. That it isn’t professional to tell the truth as to what is going on in my life- like it is some embarrassing secret and should be kept silent in […]

The Lesson of Love

blah blah blah