A Idea for Omaha and Surrounding Communities to Be Apart of Something Important


Children are the foundation of our society- and if any place needs to stand against child abuse and bring awareness, not only to the abuse but the TRAFFICKING that is occurring with our most poor citizens children, it is Omaha Nebraska.

I attended a fantastic meeting of the minds concerning trafficking at Project Harmony- and spoke out saying that until we deal with our issues concerning our past indiscretions concerning a failed savings and loan, Boystown, the the richest of our citizens- we will never adequately deal with the issues of child abuse and such. I thought that I would see eyes roll- but fascinatingly enough- I realized that one point that I had the complete attention of everyone in that room- giving me hope that I am not alone in thinking that this needs to be revisited and brought out into the light so that we can expose the granddaddy of all of child trafficking- specifically in boys. In order to understand the problem – we must start somewhere.

So I am sending out this link to people and see if anyone is interested in creating a march here at the same time? Rallying behind our children is essential- and now a days- considering the statistics concerning human trafficking and children in our nation- now is the time to make a stand and speak out against those who would use children for their own narcissistic purposes. Omaha making a bit of noise would be noticed I believe- and would show, as a community- that we back our children as the basic building blocks of the human race and our only ability to survive the future.

So does anyone care enough to get involved?

Let me get the ball rolling… https://www.facebook.com/MillionMarchAgainstChildAbuseOmahaNE?skip_nax_wizard=true

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