All posts for the day February 1st, 2013

Comments on Rabbit Hole from Douglas (same anon- probably Mesner)

Notice the games that are being played and how the conversation is being manipulated. This is good stuff- thanks to the Anon Dougy. Got to get used to it…, January 31, 2013 By Douglas “College English professor who loves classic literature, psychology, neurology and hates pop trash like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey.” This […]

The Attacks on Amazon Ensue

A self-impressed anonymous poster by the name of Douglas has been going around and attacking me on Amazon with not only my book Rabbit Hole- A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story, but on Judy Byington’s 22 Faces and Debbie Nathan’s book Sybil Exposed. I also suspect that the NEW reviewer who left me a scathing […]

New Review of My Book By Douglas Mesner- Proud Leader of the False Memory Pedophile Protector Squad

I have just gotten attacked by Doug Mesner on my book today- and I thought I would ask people to go to my book at and feel free to comment on the review- or to Doug himself. I reported this offense to Amazon- but Mesner has cohorts on the web who are seeking to […]