Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Child Abuse 2012 Conference
Our Healing Journey: Past, Present, Future
Saturday: May 19, 2012
Registration is from 9:00 -10:00 am
10:00 – 11:00 am
Keynote Speaker: Caryn Stardancer
Caryn Stardancer was a pioneer in establishing a grassroots network for survivors of sadistic ritualistic abuse. She co-founded Survivorship with Catherine Raggazzi, and served at the helm of that organization for a decade. During that time Caryn wrote and spoke both nationally and internationally, served as a mentor-counselor, taught professional service providers through UC Davis Extension classes and San Francisco General Hospital Grand Rounds, and exhibited her survivorship-inspired artwork in publications, galleries and exhibitions. She is currently retired to her rural home, where she is a proudly active grandma, homemaker and gardener.
11:15 to 12:30 pm
Survivor Track:
David Shurter was intimately connected to events in Omaha surrounding a failed credit union and to the elite who were involved in a drug and child trafficking ring. Having written Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story, it is David’s hope to expose the SRA that occurred in his childhood. His topic is: Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story
Professional Track:
Lynette Danylchuk, Ph.D. is a psychologist in private practice in San Mateo, Calif. She has served on the Board of Directors of Survivorship from 1989-2002. She is currently on the Board of Directors of ISSTD and Chair of their Professional Training Program. She has worked with survivors for over 25 years. Her topic is: Treating Ritual Abuse Survivors
Lunch break from 12:30-1:30 pm
Working Lunch
Introduction of the North American Truth and Reconciliation Coalition
David Shurter and deJoly LaBrier – professional room
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Survivor Track:
Kitty Downey is a survivor of extreme child abuse of many types along with mind control, hypnosis and amateur programming. She has been learning and healing for decades using psychotherapy, faith, music, animals and self-help techniques. She volunteers with Survivorship as a webinar presenter and editor of the Journal. Her topic is: How Pets Help Healing, Comfort and Living
Professional Track:
Therapists can ask questions to survivors about different issues.
Moderator – Neil Brick, Participants � dejoly Labrier. Dvora Gordon and Carmen Yanaa Holiday
Neil Brick is a survivor of Masonic based Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. A Ritual Abuse Newsletter and coordinator of annual ritual abuse conferences.
deJoly LaBrier is a survivor of extreme abuse in the forms of a military child sex ring, government experimentation, satanic ritual abuse, mind control and the resulting MPD/DID. She has written two books, Diary of A Survivor in Art and Poetry; and All Together Now, A Multiple’s Story of Hope and Healing. deJoly is an advocate, mentor and public speaker on the issues of sexual abuse, mind control and government experimentation. She feels that by giving voice to the truth of what has happened to her, others who are unable to speak, either out of fear or not believing they will be heard or believed, will find hope in their recovery from the abuse.
Dvora is a survivor of child prostitution and ritualized abuse. She has been a member of Survivorship since 1998. She served as President of the Survivorship Bd of Directors for 4 years. She is honored to do work for Survivorship and feels really good about giving back to a community that w
Carmen Yana Holiday is a survivor of systematic Freemason and US government abuse including torture and deliberate dissociation, child pornography and human trafficking. She has facilitated recovery workshops for survivors of extreme abuse and presented as a survivor for several organizations.
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Survivor Track:
Shelby was born in the 1960’s in northern California and raised in the Mormon Church. Her Mother was a multigenerational Mormon and The Father was a convert from a Masonic background. Shelby has had her name removed from the Mormon Church and no longer affiliates with this organization. Shelby has very little contact with her family and her siblings are still in denial of the abuse. Shelby owns her own martial arts school where she has been very successful in working with all ages of people and promoting a positive life. Shelby wants to tell her story to give hope, courage and inspiration to other victims/survivors to know that what you did to survive you can use to heal. You can live without abuse and be able protect yourself, and stop the cycle of abuse to future generations. Her topic is: Empowering your SRA/RA Recovery
Professional Track:
Randy Noblitt is Professor of Clinical Psychology at The California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University in Los Angeles, California. He is also an author and educator and has acted as consultant, expert witness, and fact witness in civil and criminal cases involving allegations of child abuse, ritual abuse, and cult affiliation. His topic is: Accessing Dissociated Mental States: Techniques, Ethics and Risk Management
Saturday Evening Concert
There will be a concert held Saturday night 7-9 PM at the Executive Inn and Suites. The concert will feature:
Lisa Cohen is a truly gifted & unique Bay area blues, jazz & gospel vocalist.
Mary Watkins is a composer and pianist with a vision.
Deborah Tisdale is a Bay Area vocalist who began singing while growing up in Los Angeles, California.
Sunday: May 29, 2012
9:00 am -10:00 am
Survivor track:
Chaya Malika is a writer, dancer, artist, healer, and survivor of ritual abuse and government torture. Her life is getting better and better. Her topic is: Healing Ethnic Violence: A Story about Surviving My Family’s Nazi Cult
Professional Track:
Ani Rose Whaleswan is a mom, writer and artist originally from the Pacific NW and now in Colorado. She is a survivor of severe trauma from early childhood. Besides her own healing work, she has several years’ experience as a group facilitator and in various kinds of ministry. As an advocate she believes deeply in the healing process and likes to share that, “art is healing, and healing is an art.” Her topic is: The Language of Integration and Altered States: Honoring our Dissociative Capacities
10:30 am – 11:45 am
Survivor Track:
Leslene della–Madre, author, spiritual “midwife,” shamanic
practitioner, teacher and founder of Winged Women Return, a center
for shamanic healing in Sebastopol, CA, incorporates the use of
innovative shamanic techniques in the healing of trauma and serves
as spiritual adjunct and colleague in the community of doctors,
psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists.
Her topic is: Shamanism and Healing Trauma
Professional Track:
Sonia Connolly, LMT offers intuitive, compassionate bodywork in Portland, Oregon for sensitive trauma survivors. Her new book Wellspring of Compassion: Self-Care for Sensitive People Healing from Trauma is inspired by twelve years of client sessions and twenty years of self-observation while healing from abuse. Her topic is: From Shame to Compassion: Reconciling with Ourselves after Abuse
12-12:30pm discussion groups
12:30-1:30 pm lunch
Working Lunch
1:45 – 3:00 pm
Survivor Track:
Jen Cross (MA-Transformative Language Arts) has facilitated survivors writing workshops since 2002. She worked with survivors of domestic violence and other traumas, individually and in groups, before beginning to lead workshops through which trauma survivors could express complicated truths through writing. She is the founder/facilitator of Writing Ourselves Whole ( Her topic is: Writing Ourselves Whole
Professional Track:
Heather Dawn is completing her Doctors in Clinical Psychology (PsyD) with a Specialization in Dreams at Saybrook University and also holds an MA in Consciousness Studies from John F Kennedy University. She has attended conferences of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and numerous symposiums on trauma. These experiences have given her the opportunity to study with some of the most well known people in the areas of dreams and trauma. Her ancestry roots are Celtic and Germanic. She has lived her life according to her dreams for over 30 years. Her topic is: Working With Nightmares
3:00 – 4:30 pm
Final Panel for All: Advocacy and the Future of the Survivor Movement
Jenny is a survivor of satanic abuse who experienced her first RA memories in 1990. She served for five years on Survivorship’s board of Directors in the early 2000’s, and continues to support Survivorship and other survivors in every way she can.
Neil Brick is a survivor of Masonic based Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. A Ritual Abuse Newsletter and coordinator of annual ritual abuse conferences.
deJoly LaBrier is a survivor of extreme abuse in the forms of a military child sex ring, government experimentation, satanic ritual abuse, mind control and the resulting MPD/DID. She has written two books, Diary of A Survivor in Art and Poetry; and All Together Now, A Multiple’s Story of Hope and Healing. deJoly is an advocate, mentor and public speaker on the issues of sexual abuse, mind control and government experimentation. She feels that by giving voice to the truth of what has happened to her, others who are unable to speak, either out of fear or not believing they will be heard or believed, will find hope in their recovery from the abuse.
4:45 – 5:30 pm closing with everyone.
Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Child Abuse 2012 Conference
Our Healing Journey: Past, Present, Future
May 19 – 20, 2012
Executive Inn & Suite
1755 Embaracadero
Oakland, CA 94606
Two days of survivor and professional workshops, a safe room, great price, good food, safe environment, a chance to mingle with others who share your experience, a chance to move the movement forward…
Keynote speaker: Caryn Stardancer
a pioneer in establishing a grassroots network for survivors of sadistic ritualistic abuse and co-founder of Survivorship
Concert Saturday night 7-9 PM
Featuring Lisa Cohen, a truly gifted & unique Bay area blues, jazz & gospel vocalist
Deborah Tisdale, a Bay Area vocalist who began singing while growing up in Los Angeles, California
And Mary Watkins, a composer and pianist with a vision
To find out more about the conference:
To register for the conference email: [email protected]
To request more information by mail:
Family Justice Center
470 27th Street
Oakland, CA 94612 USA