I Have Decided to Cancel the Book Launch for Rabbit Hole

As I said – my stepmother Joanne C. Shurter, and her cousin/lawyer Gerry Friedrickson, sent me a threatening letter on Christmas Eve telling me that I can’t publish Rabbit Hole.  Now it has come to my attention that they have sent more threatening certified letters.  One that I know of was sent to HotShops, the venue where I was going to throw my book launch.  Due to the fact that these people are unstable, and I do not want to have a scene at a place that I care a great deal about, I have decided that I should cancel the date- as I don’t wish to cause any problems for HotShops.

This does not mean that those of you who have preordered a copy- or still want a copy- will be unable to do so.  Self published under an LLC, this whole thing will have to go to court before it is settled- but until then, I have every intention of sending out my book to whoever is interested.  Once you read Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story- you will understand why there are some who are fighting so hard to ever letting it see the light of day. 

I will still be signing the copies that I send, and there are those of you who will just have to connect with me in order to get your copy- which means I get to see all of you individually and in groups- which is very exciting.  Told by my lawyer to go forward with publishing- I have to say that I can’t WAIT to go to court and prove everything that I have been saying.  The nice thing about it is that there is NO STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS ON CHILD ABUSE IN NEBRASKA ANY LONGER.  And both me and my sister have plenty of documentation of abuse.  Far from alone, I am not the only one who has been in contact with the police regarding our family’s past, and from what I have discovered- there is plenty of documentation to back up what we are saying.

Anyway- anyone who needs to contact me can do so at [email protected] .  Thanks for all your support- and I’ll definitely keep you all abreast as developments play out.

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