Australian Victim Fiona Barnett’s Ongoing Struggle to Be Heard


NSW Victim Services Collaborate with NSW Police to Bury Fiona Barnett’s VIP Pedophile Case
by Author on May 2, 2018
Hi Supporters,

I’m alive. My ‘family’ and ‘friends’ tried to take me down, but unfortunately for them, I am a modern day Baruch. God has decided, against my better judgment, that my “life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest.” So, no matter what the child trafficking network throw at me – it is God who determines who lives and who dies.

Things were going well, until the network realised I was writing a book about the CIA’s involvement in child trafficking in Australia.

It seems Victim Services NSW, who previously supported me, have been told to bury my case. In 2014, NSW Victim Services ruled that on the balance of probabilities I was indeed abused by a pedophile network. However, they recently decided on the balance of probabilities that I had not been a victim of a pedophile ring. Hmmmm, what an odd contradiction… Since I went off social media, and since I lost my voice as a victim, NSW Victim Services think they can screw me over?

Here is my response to NSW Victim Services’ dodgy findings. I’ve whited out my case manager’s name, and the names of my therapists, for now. If citizens can be bothered protesting the silence of witnesses against the Australian government’s involvement in child sex trafficking, and if you would like to see my expose published, then support me by lodging lodge your complaints with:

Victim Services Commissioner, Mahashini Krishna, email: [email protected]

Here’s me letter to Victim Services:

Internal Review Request

I request an internal review of the decision regarding my Victims Support, plus a review of Victim Service’s mishandling of my case since I registered with them.

I have been denied due process by Victim Services.

I asked in writing that all correspondence with me go via [my Victim Services allocated counsellor’s] office. Victims Services acknowledged this fact in subsequent correspondence.

However, the letter dated 3 April from Mahashini Krishna titled ‘Victim Support for FIONA BARNETT’ Ref 198004S was posted to the address at 26 Laura St.

Victim Services were informed months prior to 3 April that I vacated and sold 26 Laura Street over a year ago.

Consequently, I did not receive the letter dated 3 April from Mahashini Krishna titled ‘Victim Support for FIONA BARNETT’ Ref 198004S.

I finally received the said letter on Sunday 29 April 2018 – 28 calendar days past the appeal time limit.

I request an answer to the following:

Why was such an important letter sent to an address that Victim Services knew I had not lived at for over a year?
And, why was this letter not posted via [my Victim Services allocated counsellor’s] office as requested?
Victims Services never informed me that my application for support was in the process of being assessed and finalised.

I have never been given the opportunity to include all relevant supporting documentation.

I have never been given support by Victim Services staff in the preparation of my application for Support.

For every phone conversation I had with Victim Services staff since 2014, the entire / or crucial parts of these conversations have not been documented. I requested this be rectified. It was not.

The last time Victim Services staff [Senior Case Manager] spoke to me about this claim for financial support, it was via phone over two years ago, [Senior case manager] apologised to me for the debacle previous Victim Services staff had made of my case, and promised to: “make it up to” me, assist me with preparation of my application for financial support, work with me to divide my child abuse history into multiple claims so that I could get the maximum financial support, and told me that she would consult me during her preparation of my claim, keep me informed of its progress and status, and advise me of what further documentation I needed to submit. This never happened.

Instead, Victim Services stonewalled me for over two years. [Senior Case Manager] and the other case managers to whom my case was continually shuffled, ignored my phone calls and emails, and did not record the content of my phone calls. For example, last year I spent 45 minutes making a phone application for another separate incident on an island in the Hawksbury River, but all record of this conversation and application was wiped/lost.

The last time I communicated with Victim Services, it was with Peta Blood in the presence of [my Victim Services allocated counsellor]. Victim Services took a call from my therapist. They transferred the call to [Senior Case Manager]. [Senior Case Manager] refused to talk with me in front of [my Victim Services allocated counsellor]. [Senior Case Manager] spoke to me, and cut the call short, in a manner that surprised my therapist and left him with the impression that my case was being buried by Victim Services. [Senior Case Manager] made promises to me during this call which she never followed up on.

During that call with [Senior Case Manager], and in previous communication with Victim Services, I complained about the Sutherland Police in charge of the investigation into my allegations against my step-grandfather, and the chain of multiple offenders to which he passed me.

I complained to Victim Services that Sutherland police were violating my rights as a victim.

I made 4 days of witness statements to police in Tweed Heads (in 2014) and Sydney (in 2015). Sutherland Police informed me that they would travel to Tweed Heads in January 2016 and collect another 5 days of witness statements from me.

Sutherland police never took further statements from me. Instead, they stonewalled me, refused to take my calls, refused to return my calls, and ignored my emails. I informed Peta Blood and Victim Services of this. I asked Victim Services for assistance with this.

My rights under the Charter of Victims Rights have been violated, by Sutherland Police and by Victim Services staff.

Page 2 of [Assessor’s] Assessment states, “Police records indicate that statements obtained from Ms Barnett in May 2014, and that no further investigation was being carried out.” [Assessor’s] statement is, by omission, misleading and untrue. It does not mention the further 2 days of witness statements I made in Sydney in 2015 which I submitted to Victim Services. It also does not mention the investigation that Sutherland Police did commence, nor the outcome of that investigation.

Why did [the Assessor] not mention the 2015 police witness statements?

Why did [the [Assessor] not mention the investigation that Sutherland Police commenced in December 2015?

Sutherland Police began conducting investigations into my reported crimes prior to taking the further 5 days of witness statements from me. I know this because witnesses to this contacted me and informed me. Witnesses told me that Sutherland Police door knocked and interviewed residents of McAlister Ave, Engadine. They raided the residence of 14 McAlister Ave with cadaver dogs. They found etchings in the glass windows of external buildings at that residence, of the exact banner that I drew in my initial police statements.

Sutherland Police failed to provide me with information and updates about their investigation of the crimes I reported; which constitutes a violation of the Charter of Victims Rights. It is Victim Service staff job to ensure my rights are being upheld, yet when I complained about police withholding information about their investigation to [Senior Case Manager] in front of my therapist, I was cut short and treated with disrespect.

[The Assessor’s] report omits important information regarding my medical history. These omissions, and the choice of words in the report, paint me as mentally ill for no good reason, and serves only to discredit me and my case.

[The Assessor] does not mention the direct link between my PTSD and child abuse, and self-harming behaviour and child abuse, as documented in my hospital records in the 1990s.

For example, no reference was made to the Gold Coast hospital files, and if Victim Services never had access to these files, no letter was sent to me informing me of this. I only received a letter stating that my Bundaberg hospital files had been destroyed. Doctors Flanagan and Nevin Taylor specifically recorded in my Gold Coast hospital files the words “Satanic Ritual Abuse” and my having notified them of being abused by multiple members of pedophile rings.

As a further example, I know from documented meetings with NSW Health Dept staff that my Tweed Heads psychiatric hospital file was removed from the public hospital by a psychiatrist named Dr Braganza and taken with him to his private practise. This file contains my documented child abuse reporting. I informed Victim Services of this.

Why did Victim Services not request these files from Dr Braganza or send me a release form to sign?

I note that Victim Services previously assessed my case based only on the hospital files they had at the time and concluded on the balance of probabilities that what I reported to the Royal Commission and Victim Services did in fact happen.

On what basis did [the Assessor] contradict Victim Services’ original conclusion that on the balance of probabilities that I was indeed abused by a pedophile ring?

[The Assessor] lumped my many abuse experiences at the hands of different individuals into ‘pedophile ring’. When in fact I was initially abused by my step-grandfather, separate to any pedophile ring. My step-grandfather later passed me on to members of a child trafficking network, who in turn passed me on to another ring of members of a child abuse network. Therefore, my abuse cannot be lumped under one incident titled ‘pedophile ring.’ There are multiple individuals and rings involved.

I request that my case be divided into different claims, and that the abuse I experienced by my step-grandfather be treated independent of that by a pedophile ring.

Do I need a lawyer? Could / would my claim have been / be more successful if I had / have legal representation? [Senior case manager] informed me that I did not need a lawyer and that she would assist me. This assistance was never given to me.

What documents do I need to provide to improve my chances of a successful financial support claim? What is lacking? What is missing?

What impact does the failure of Sutherland Police failure to adhere to the Charter of Victims Right have on the outcome of my claim for financial support?

What other steps can / will Victims Services take to facilitate my case and claim for financial support?

What else do I need to know from Victim Services? What have I not been told regarding my case and claim?

What is Victim Services going to do about their having stonewalled me for the past 2 years?

What is Victim Services going to do about the Sutherland Police having stonewalled me since I made the 4 days of witness statements?


Fiona Barnett

30 April 2018

P.S., Doctor WARICK MIDDLETON, (so-called ‘DID’ expert at Belmont Private Hospital in Brisbane), who says ritual abuse testimonies are ‘metaphors’ – I know what you tried to do to me via Lucinda Batram / Ella Forbes & Co. You, maggot, are what Corydon Hammond called, a “Dirty Doctor” in his Greenbaum Speech. Like I said to Antony Kidman – I will be your downfall.

Here’s a screen shot of a letter, to validate my claim:

VS Internal Review Letter

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