All posts tagged child abuse

Concerning This Irrational Fear of “Being Programmed”

First of all, being “programmed” isn’t even possible, and calling what they are doing “programming” gives this group WAY more power than they really have. The human brain IS NOT a computer- and they are not able to fill it with code to make people to do things they don’t want to do. If this […]

How Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Are Treated Globally- the Case of Dean Henry in Australia

The Hampstead Children Were Talking about Their Abuse BEFORE Abe Christie Came Along and Put Them on YouTube

I received an email this morning explaining to me that the Hampstead children were talking about their horrific abuse BEFORE Abe Christie came along and that those sessions were taped. This explains WHY these children have been used in this case as they have been, as they were ALREADY letting people know what was happening […]

New Interview with Ella Gareeva, Abraham Christi, (The Hampstead Mother and Her Partner), and David Shurter

Amazing Website Concerning the Hampstead Case From An On the Ground Investigator Who Has Been Involved From the Beginning

Hampstead Info and Timeline Sent to Me By A Concerned Party

The Hampstead children’s video testimony can be viewed here and the written testimony here he blog belonging to the children’s mother, Ella Gareeva and her partner, Abraham Christie can be found here (If you are not familiar with the the details of this case, please see the summary below.) 1) The children’s […]

A New Interview I just Did 11/16/2015 brand new interview I just gave today- 11/16/2015 on my Abuse- the Hampstead Case – and what is facing ALL OF OUR CHILDREN as a whole. Please listen

The Satanic Ritual Abuse Case of Hampstead

For those of you who are unaware of the Hampstead case, it mirrors what we saw here in the States concerning the McMartin case back in the 80’s. These children have claimed that they were being abused by a bunch of elites who were doing satanic rituals on the children. The same type of cover-up […]

A Great Link on the Hampstead Case

For those of you who are unaware of this case, it involved two children who have come out stating that they are victims of satanic ritual abuse. Of course- in the UK- the officials involved have come forward claiming that their claims are bogus- and that there is no merit to their claims AT THE […]

Contrary to the Pedophile Lobby- Dissociation Isn’t a New Concept

Regardless of the False Memory advocates claim- dissociative identity disorder- once called Multiple Personalities- isn’t a new concept- and it didn’t begin with the book Sybil. Contrary to what they say- it wasn’t a fad but was discovered and spoken about in the later part of the 18th century. Frenchman Pierre Marie Félix Janet (30 […]