All posts tagged mind control

The Shunning Program and the Survivor Community

I was totally blessed to speak to my therapist today and I was “reminded” of things that I have forgotten concerning abuse and how it affects the person who have been abused. Survivors of abuse almost always have a hard time achieving a sense of identity. We are so controlled that we never get a […]

Concerning This Irrational Fear of “Being Programmed”

First of all, being “programmed” isn’t even possible, and calling what they are doing “programming” gives this group WAY more power than they really have. The human brain IS NOT a computer- and they are not able to fill it with code to make people to do things they don’t want to do. If this […]

Obama’s Brain Initiative Being Implemented on Soldiers, Soon Anyone With Memories of Trauma Will Be Silenced Obama’s “brain initiative” is an incredibly scary project. Basically giving trauma survivors a high tech lobotomy with lasers, it effectively “erases” the memories- and such techniques are being used on soldiers now who are coming back from war zones with PTSD. Claiming that they can control mental health- they have been diligently trying to […]

Contrary to the Pedophile Lobby- Dissociation Isn’t a New Concept

Regardless of the False Memory advocates claim- dissociative identity disorder- once called Multiple Personalities- isn’t a new concept- and it didn’t begin with the book Sybil. Contrary to what they say- it wasn’t a fad but was discovered and spoken about in the later part of the 18th century. Frenchman Pierre Marie Félix Janet (30 […]

Some Details About My Conditioning/Programming In the MKUltra Program **TRIGGER WARNING**

Many people have asked me to give specifics of my programming, and so I have decided to detail some of the things I went through. This could be incredibly triggering for some- so please read no further if you think this article could affect you in a negative way. I just feel that it is […]

Targeting Just Comes with the Territory- and Nick Bryant’s Conversation with Me Today

The reason why I have been able to do this for as long as I have is that I have become accustomed to betrayal in such a way that although it is painful and disappointing, it is never an all consuming issue and generally is expected to come with the territory. Does it make me […]