All posts tagged Hillary Clinton

The Game is to Associate Child Abuse with Something That Can Be Discredited to Discredit It All

This is a new NBC article: How Three Conspiracy Theorists Took “Q” and Made Qanon The game is always the same – wrap the truth in a bunch of lies in order to discredit everything. But it is strange how similar Qanon works compared to Pokémon Go- that video game that enthralled the world. […]

State Dept Gets Busted Protecting Child Trafficking and ONCE AGAIN Our Gov’t Turns a Blind Eye

The reason why child trafficking is such an issue is because even with stories like this- and the Pentagon downloading tons of child porn- our government NEVER investigates nor comes close to prosecuting any of it. And obviously it involves the elite- because if these people were like you or I- we would ALREADY BE […]

Sean Hannity- Seth Rich- and Hannity’s Focus on Clinton

With everything that is happening in our government right now – esp with this Cohen guy- I have started to wonder if there is something more with this thing concerning Sean Hannity and his reporting on Seth Rich. Hannity reported constantly that Hillary Clinton and the DNC was behind the murder of Seth Rich- but […]

A Journalist Commenting on Pizzagate…

An anonymous journalist just posted this comment on the Washington Post’s story trying to debunk #PizzaGate, and I think this should be read by all citizens and journalists. — We are told the work on /r/Pizzagate (and other message boards) is illegitimate because people are rushing to conclusions, or because they are being paranoid, or […]

My Opinion of the Podesta Emails, “Pizzagate”, and Cathy O’Brien

I have had a lot of questions posed with my stance on these Podesta emails and this whole ‘pizzagate” thang and so it is time that I just write out what I think. Flat out- I think that there is some truth in those emails- but it is inundated with so much bullshit that it […]

The Official FACTS Being Presented In the Jacob Wetterling Abduction Cold Case

Fact: Jacob Wetterling was abducted October 22, 1989 at 9 PM in Minnesota at night on a deserted road that had no street lights. We are NOW being told that Jacob’s abductor had panty hose over his face- but we have detailed abductor pics that were distributed directly after the abduction- and there is absolutely […]

“Feel The Bern” Has Become a Movement that Transcends Bernie Sanders

As much as Shillery Clinton and her media hounds want to claim it isn’t true, “Feel the Bern” has picked up momentum and has NOT in any way diminished. Why? Because this time people are not just listening to a message of “Change”- this time they are demanding it. Our leaders running our country are […]

The Truth About the End Times…. This is just one example why this world is ending and why the darkness is getting ready to claim so many who are here. Flat out- the world is so evil that most people believe that there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. The perversions are so ingratiated into our lives that […]